Tuesday, 31 December 2013

'Storm' (II)

                                Mixed media. Original sold but prints available from

Sunday, 16 January 2011


'Hannah' (II) Original Pastel. approx 65 x 49cm
(Original SOLD)

Hannah Prints: Available from Fine Art America:


A study based on the account in John's gospel, chapter 11

The raising of Lazarus
Original painting sold. 

Prints: Available from Fine Art America:



A Painting inspired by adversity and uncertainty about the future

'Put your hand in the hand of Christ' (Original sold)
(Print titled 'Holding On' as an alternative shorter title) 

Prints: Available from Fine Art America:


Paintings inspired by C S Lewis's 'Aslan'

'Aslan, Creator' (original sold)

'Aslan; Power with Grace' (original sold)

Prints: Available from Fine Art America:
